Dr. David Dornfeld
Meet The Speaker
Dr. David Dornfeld has been preventing and reversing illness for 37+ years. He is now a consultant for difficult medical cases, specializing on helping people with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Tick-borne conditions at Family Wellness Center, in Atlantic Highlands NJ. He tries to be a “detective” in finding out the root cause of people’s health issues while focusing towards “environmental medicine concerns” and how to repair those exposure related insults which has weakened the person's ability to reverse their illnesses.
He has developed a special interest in working with children with autism spectrum disorders since 2005, and holistically approaches- many aspects of Family Medicine, Osteopathic spinal manipulation, chelation therapy, IV infusion therapy, and mild hyperbaric therapies to help many improve.
He received his medical degree from the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in Maine and completed his residencies in Ohio and Colorado in 1986. He is board certified in Family Medicine (ACOFP) and board certified in anti-aging medicine by the International Society of Anti-Aging medicine in 2000. Dr. Dornfeld has been a member of ACAM, the American College for the Advancement in Medicine since 1994 and became double certified in chelation therapy through his training. He completed his Fellowship from MAPS (Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs) in 2013, and helps train many professionals and parents in safe hyperbaric therapies, chelation therapies, Lyme related disorders (ILADS trained) and preventive medicine, both nationally and internationally.
Recently, Dr. Dornfeld was the only US physician asked to participate in an autism summit in Cairo, Egypt, expanding his guidance to help physicians in the Middle East combat the issues associated with recovering children and adults with autism. Many physicians in the Middle East were shocked to find out that tick-borne diseases are common there as well. His "Doctor" - means 'Teacher" approach continues with each conference he presents at or throughout his patient encounters.
Summary of Lecture
When treating people who are affected by tick borne diseases (TBD) as well as many other disorders, one needs to reduce inflammatory triggers, improve the microbiome, identify and reduce the environmental triggers, and enhance the detoxification pathways to help eliminate these negatives. I hope to explain how proper detoxifiaction support and utilizing safe Hyperbaric therapies can augment the care you offer for your patients; with multiple neurological disorders, Autism spectrum disorders and especially in TBD corncerns.
Key Learnings
Identify the sources of heavy metals, how to test for them , and how to safely treat for the excretion of heavy metal burdens while supporting the immune system. I hope to explain the rationale for adding mild Hyperbaric therapies in helping reduce inflammation and allow for neurological symptoms to be minimized with this therapy along with appropriate nutrient support.